There are tons of different ways to make money in the cryptocurrency space. We published a similar article for 2018, so we thought why not make another one for this year. After all, a year in cryptocurrency is a lifetime and some money making methods that worked last year are probably not a great idea today. So, let’s go over top 10 ways to make money with crypto right now.

10. Cryptocurrency Gaming

A popular money making in 2018, you can still make thousands of dollars by playing blockchain based games that award you tokens. There are pyramid scheme games that are more of a gamble than anything, and there are other blockchain based games like Huntercoin where users can collect virtual coins that can be converted into cryptocurrency. There are also other games like CryptantCrab where there is a market for in game items that sell for ETH.

9. Revenue Sharing Platform

Revenue sharing platforms like Steemit and Pocketnet reward users with tokens for submitting high quality posts. Those tokens have value and can be cashed out on an exchange just like any other cryptocurrency. If you already participate in discussion platforms like Reddit and write a lot, investing some time into the above platforms might be a good idea as you can start earning money for your time.

8. Trade with Trading Bots

One of the easiest and most passive ways to make money with cryptocurrency is by trading with the help of trading bots. You can check out our extensive FAQ on trading bots, how to use them and which ones to choose. Trading bots are safe to use and you can set the threshold of how big of trades to make. If you’ve traded cryptocurrency before but never gave trading bots a try, I highly recommend you at least try one.

7. Become a Crypto Influencer

You can start putting out content on any platform and start building a following. Whether its twitter, youtube, tradingview, etc. You can build a large enough following if you have high quality content that people want to consume. Once you build your audience and following you can then monetize it and get paid for your content creation. The hardest part about this method is it takes quite some time to build a following, and you need to stay consistent with your work.

6. Become a Project Adviser

Have a degree? Have some experience managing project? Consider joining a cryptocurrency project as an adviser or ambassador and either get paid by getting a share of the project, or if you’re lucky you can even get a monthly consulting fee as a result. Even if you don’t have a name for yourself, simply getting involved with a project can allow you to find ways you can contribute to it. Most crypto projects consist of small teams that need all the help they can get.

5. Mine Cryptocurrency

This isn’t 2014 when you need to buy expensive mining rigs to mine Bitcoin. These days you can mine cryptocurrency by simply getting an app on your phone. Take for example Electroneum’s cloud mining app which you can download from the app store. You simply check in on the app once every couple days and after a period of time you will accumulate coin which have actual value. You can even invite your friends and make a percentage of their mining profit. There are also ways to mine by contributing hard-drive space rather than GPU mining power.

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4. Find a Job in Cryptocurrency

If you have a passion for cryptocurrency you can try looking for a job in the space. Websites like CryptoJobs have numerous listing looking for crypto developers, marketers, managers, writers and much much more.

3. Host a Conference

Why do you think there are so many cryptocurrency events all around the world? Because they are a money making machine. If you can cover the expenses for food and the venue and market your conference the right way, you can walk away with a six figure profit from a single event. It does take a skillful marketer and event organizer to pull off a cryptocurrency conference, but if you have people skills and have experience organizing events then you should look into starting with a small meetup in your local area and eventually transitioning into hosting a conference.

2. Bounty Hunting

If you visit the services section on you will find many posts with the title “signature campaign.” Those are offers from companies looking to promote their services / products in exchange for you adding their name in your signature on the bitcointalk forum. While you do have to have a certain level of account – can’t be a newbie – it doesn’t take too long to get your account’s activity up and increase its rank. Simply create an account on and post once a day, after a few weeks your rank will increase to where you will be able to participate in signature campaigns.

There are also other types of bounties such as translations, sharing things on your social media accounts, creating accounts, etc. All are easy ways to make money with minimal effort, you simply have to spend time looking for those offers.

1. Affiliate Marketing

This brings us to the number one way to make money with cryptocurrency – affiliate marketing. There are so many affiliate marketing offers ranging from promoting exchanges, gambling sites, cryptocurrencies and much more. You can even get free $10 just for having your friends sign up to Coinbase. If you were really determined you could have your family members sign up for certain platforms and give them a cut of your earnings.

Affiliate marketing works best when you have a large audience, so working on becoming a crypto influencer and monetizing your traffic via affiliate marketing is a very solid strategy to make money.

I hope you found at least one method that interests you. Did any of these money making methods work for you or do you have any other money making methods? Please share them in the comment section below.


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