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Fake Cryptocurrency Apps Found on Google Play as Bitcoin’s Price Increases

Cryptocurrencies have recently experienced a phenomenal surge in prices commensurate to that witnessed in late 2017. Everyone is eager to get a piece of...

Bakkt’s Futures Testing Will not Impact the Bitcoin Price

Bitcoin futures contracts have made somewhat of an impact on the world’s leading cryptocurrency’s price. That in itself is always interesting to keep an...

5 Successful Token Offerings Concluded During the Recent “Crypto Winter”

Whereas most people would think token offerings are no longer a viable manner of raising funds in the cryptocurrency industry, the statistics show otherwise....

Visa is Entering The Crypto Space, invests Heavily in Custodial Services

As the crypto revolution has moved forward, the major credit card companies have maintained a curiously low-key approach to its evolution. Now, Visa appears...

7-Eleven’s 7Pay Mobile Payments app Gets Hacked Within Days After its Launch

Whenever a new payment service is launched in any part of the world, there is some initial excitement. In most cases, such launches go...

3 Shocking Facts About Goats you Never Thought Possible

Any new developments in the world of science are worth paying attention to. While not everything might make sense at first, there is always...

IRS to reshape its BTC tax policy next year – what to expect as...

Pretty much every year, investors seem confused or rather concerned about their tax filings. Things are relatively difficult for crypto investors because of the unregulated market...

Altcoin Adoption Moving Ahead, Yet Market Remains Stagnant

Bitcoin’s price recovery has been creating significant media attention, yet much more is happening in the blockchain space that reflects the technology’s march into...

IT Enthusiast Mines Bitcoin With an Apollo Guidance Computer

Mining cryptocurrencies often requires a lot of dedicated hardware. Even where most altcoins are concerned, it is not just a matter of turning on...

Explaining the Need for Fish Replacement in Simple Terms

Whereas a lot of consumers have shown an interest in meat replacements, it seems another popular type of food will be disrupted in a...