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What’s in Store for Ethereum in the Near Future?

Bitcoin is the powerhouse of the cryptocurrency industry, the first and most trusted blockchain implementation. Of course, it started it all. However, in hindsight,...

EOS Price Prediction: Will It Go Up To $10 At The End of 2019

Most crypto enthusiasts try to stay abreast of the crypto market so as to make informed decisions as regards any asset(s) they want to...

Bitcoin’s Lightning Network – A Status Update

The scaling debate is, without question, one of the most contentious issues in the blockchain space. When it reached its boiling point in August...

PayFast Removes Bitcoin Payments due to Inherent Technical Flaws and Shortcomings

These are very interesting times for Bitcoin, which evidently remains the world’s leading cryptocurrency. Despite a price revival of some sorts, it now appears...

English Government Pushes for Broader Adoption of Electric Cars

It is rather apparent there will be a strong push to get more electric cars on the roads globally over the coming decades. That...

NovaChain Exit Scam Highlights the Danger of Trusting Crypto Influencers

Influencers are cancer upon our society today. While these people get paid to share sponsored opinions on products and services, they are not necessarily...

Fake Cryptocurrency Apps Found on Google Play as Bitcoin’s Price Increases

Cryptocurrencies have recently experienced a phenomenal surge in prices commensurate to that witnessed in late 2017. Everyone is eager to get a piece of...

Bakkt’s Futures Testing Will not Impact the Bitcoin Price

Bitcoin futures contracts have made somewhat of an impact on the world’s leading cryptocurrency’s price. That in itself is always interesting to keep an...

5 Successful Token Offerings Concluded During the Recent “Crypto Winter”

Whereas most people would think token offerings are no longer a viable manner of raising funds in the cryptocurrency industry, the statistics show otherwise....

Visa is Entering The Crypto Space, invests Heavily in Custodial Services

As the crypto revolution has moved forward, the major credit card companies have maintained a curiously low-key approach to its evolution. Now, Visa appears...